Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day four

So I record Oprah everyday. And I was watching Friday's episode and she had Jenny McCarthy on and she announced that she was doing a challenge where she was giving up desserts for the next 30 days and you can join her at as she blogs about it. Well I think Jenny McCarthy must have been reading my blog that morning and stolen the idea. Don't get me wrong. I'm extremely flattered. But now she is going to get all the credit. She always does...

Anyway, I had to re-start my day count because my parents had a cake for Corey's birthday and I didn't want to turn it down. It was just the four of us and it would have been weird. But this is good because I started the count on a Sunday and that is easier to keep track. So here we are day 4 and things are going well. However, I've been on house arrest with Elise while Corey has been traveling and there hasn't been much temptation. This weekend we are traveling to Utah and this will be the real test. His mom is notorious for making some of the best goodies in the world. It will be tough but I have to stick it out.

It's been interesting cutting out treats because I realize how much I ate them. Basically I was craving sugar all the time. Now I have to get creative. How about an apple and peanut butter instead of a cookie? Or Fresh fruit salad when I'm craving something sweet. I haven't been grocery shopping this week since we are going out of town but that will be interesting as well.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Darn that Jenny McCarthy! Since I'm trying to eat better and cut down on sweets there is always that moment you want to cave. One thing that seems to help is a sugar free chocolate pudding cup and cut a bunch of fresh strawberries and mix it all together. It is actually pretty good and craving is gone! Also, lately I've been really liking cantaloupe so I cut up a cup of that and mix it with 1/2 cup cottage cheese. The cantaloupe is so sweet tasting that it feels like a treat and it's all good for you. Good luck hon! You can so do this!